Great news! ConnectyCube iOS Calls SDK has been released! Feel free to check new version.
Please check the changelog:
- webrtc revision 24701
- changed preferMetal default value in CYBCallRemoteVideoView class to NO as the feature is still experimental and some users might encounter unexpected crashes. Please report them all to us in the Issues if you face one
- added resetOutputFormat method to the CYBCallCapture class. Use it to reset output format, that you have requested by calling adaptOutputFormatToWidth:height:fps: method (this method adapts video source, which is the same for all capturers, thats why we recommend to reset output format after you no longer need it)
- fixed symbols for the protocols RTCYUVPlanarBuffer, RTCMutableYUVPlanarBuffer, RTCI420Buffer and RTCMutableI420Buffer not being visible within the framework
You can also check our documentation about iOS platform.
Your feedback is always appreciated!