ConnectyCube iOS SDK v1.3.1 release


Meet new release of ConnectyCube iOS SDK v1.3.1! You can download it on our GitHub page.


  • Enum with possible error codes :
    typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CYBErrorCode) {
        CYBErrorCodeCancelled = NSURLErrorCancelled,
        CYBErrorCodeUnknown = -1,
        CYBErrorCodeAccepted = 202,
        CYBErrorCodeCreated = 201,
        CYBErrorCodeForbidden = 403,
        CYBErrorCodeNotFound = 404,
        CYBErrorCodeOK = 200,
        CYBErrorCodeBadRequest = 400,
        CYBErrorCodeServerError = 500,
        CYBErrorCodeUnAuthorized = 401,
        CYBErrorCodeValidationFailed = 422
    } NS_SWIFT_NAME(ErrorCode);


  • dialog.adminsIDs serialization in “Create dialog” request

ConnectyCube iOS SDK documentation is available on our website.

Your feedback is always appreciated!