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New iOS SDK v 1.4 is here!


We are glad to let you know that new iOS SDK has been released. This is important release, with new SDK you will be able to implement login using QR-code feature, which will be released shortly. There are pretty much changes here:

  • Added - [CYBChat addUserToContactListRequest:name:completion:]; method for adding user to contact list with id and name
  • Added - [CYBChat updateUserNameInContactList:name:completion:]; method for updating user name in contact list with id
  • Renamed CYBChatDialogTypePublicGroup with  CYBChatDialogTypeBroadcast
  • Added new property name into ContactListItem class.
  • Added +[CYBRequest upgradeWebSessionTokenToCurrentUser: successBlock:errorBlock:]method for upgrading Web session token

You can get new SDK on our GitHub page.

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