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New Android SDK v1.8.1

We are happy to announce that ConnectyCube Android SDK v1.8.1 has been released!

Here is the change log:

Chat module


  • reduced chat login time by 2 – 3 seconds or even more
  • added isAutoInitChat to handling initChatFromRest() when downloading dialogs from REST – ConnectycubeChatService.ConfigurationBuilder().setAutoInitChat(false); (true by default)


In ConnectycubeChatService:

  • fixed current thread blocking in some cases until chat login ends
  • fixed user is null – ConnectycubeChatService.getInstance().getUser() – for up to 2-3 seconds, when ConnectycubeChatService.getInstance().isLoggedIn() is already true
  • fixed SMACK Android logs (weren’t showing)

CustomObjects module


  • fixed displaying REST logs when ConnectycubeCustomObjects.getObjectPermissions()


New SDK is available on our Github page.

Your feedback is always appreciated.

Stay tuned!

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