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Meet brand new ConnectyCube Web Video Chat Code Sample!


We continue to create code samples to facilitate and speed up and simplify your development. 

Today we are happy to present a brand new Web Video Chat Code Sample which is super cool and super easy to use in integration!

You can use this code sample as a basis for your video chat app – its code is open sourced!   

Project contains the following features implemented:

  • User authorization
  • Group video calls (up to 4 users);
  • Mute/unmute audio
  • Change camera source during the call

Main changes we would like to highlight:

  • The ConnectyCube JavaScript SDK v2.0 is used 
  • New handy UI
  • An adaptive grid for video calls
  • Snack bars to notify users about changes were added
  • Compatible with the React Native Video Chat Sample  

Technologies and developers tools:

  • Pure JavaScript
  • Webpack module builder
  • Babel compiler
  • Handlebar’s templates.

You may check it here.

Feel free to integrate it with your application to extend your functionality list and to make it competitive on the market.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, we’re always ready to help!



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