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ConnectyCube Cordova Conference Call Code Sample is available now.


We are glad to let you know that today we released Cordova Conference Call Code Sample.

Project contains the following features implemented:

  • User authorization
  • Video calls up to 4 users
  • Mute/unmute microphone
  • Mute/unmute video
  • Switch camera
  • Snack bars to notify users about changes

You may check it here.

Cordova is becoming increasingly popular around the world every day. More than 100 000 apps built on Cordova. The main factors that determine the platform’s popularity are fast development and cross-platform support. By using Cordova, you can quickly turn your existing single page application into a mobile application for different platforms.

ConnectyCube Cordova SDK is ready to start developing apps – chat, video chat, user authorization, file attachments, push notifications and many more. No server side implementation required. You can concentrate fully on your mobile app development.


ConnectyCube Cordova SDK getting started – https://developers.connectycube.com/cordova/

ConnectyCube Conference Calling API documentation – https://developers.connectycube.com/cordova/videocalling-conference


Feel free to integrate it with your application to extend your functionality list.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, we’re always ready to help!


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