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ConnectyCube React Native Code Samples have been updated up to React Native 0.63!

We are glad to let you know that ConnectyCube React Native Code Samples have been updated up to React Native 0.63.

You can find updated code samples on our GitHub page. 


The main changes in React Native 0.63:

  • LogBox

A new feature to tidy up verbose and poorly formatted error logs.   

  • Pressable

It is a new component that was designed to replace TouchableWithoutFeedback and TouchableOpacity, which were used to create buttons.

  • Native Colors (PlatformColor, DynamicColorIOS)

PlatformColor allows users to use the native colors of iOS or Android devices.

DynamicColor allows users to configure colors depending on the appearance mode of the mobile (light mode or dark mode).

  • Dropping iOS 9 and Node.js 8 support


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