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New ConnectyCube Flutter SDK v2.0.5 with Web support

We are in a hurry to inform you of long-awaited news that will facilitate and simplify your development for Flutter and allow you to develop mobile and web applications with messaging & calling capabilities from the same codebase.

So meet the new ConnectyCube Flutter SDK v2.0.5 with Web support.

What’s new:


  • added support for the Web platform;
  • added uploadRawFile(List<int>, String, {bool?, String?, Function(int progress)?}) method for uploading files from the raw bytes data;
  • implemented the Active/Inactive feature for the Chat connection;

With ConnectyCube Flutter SDK you can easily implement real-time chat, video chat, push notifications and user authorization to your Flutter App in just a few easy steps now – no server side implementation required.

New SDK is available on pub.dev https://pub.dev/packages/connectycube_sdk


ConnectyCube Flutter SDK Getting Started  

ConnectyCube Messaging API documentation

ConnectyCube Calling API documentation

ConnectyCube Conference Calling API documentation


Hope it will be useful for you.

Have any questions or need help? Feel free to contact us.

Your feedback is always welcome!

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