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New chat code samples for React and Angular

We are in a hurry to share great news with everyone involved in web development. Our team released 2 new samples for you at once. 

1. Chat code sample for ReactJS

2. Chat code sample for Angular

So, it will allow you to easily and quickly add chat functionality to your application. 

Projects contain the following features implemented:

  • User Login / SignUp / Logout
  • Chat dialogs creation
  • 1-1 messaging
  • Group messaging
  • Users search
  • Typing statuses
  • Sent / Read statuses
  • Last seen
  • User / Group profile
  • Virtual Scroll

Source code:


ConnectyCube JS SDK getting started

ConnectyCube Messaging API documentation

To use our code samples just register a Free account here. Feel free to test the main functionality!

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