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Real Estate

If you have a real project, real estate agents are contacting customers though your communication channels. At some point they might want to move on and use phone or email instead to communicate directly, for example

You might want to keep your users from moving to other means of communication

Add ConnectyCube platform into your Real estate project to keep your customers communicating via your communication channels. Our team has experience with Real Estate projects and has the following core advantages for real estate projects:

Use Cases

Keeping your users communicating via your channels

Keeping your users communicating via your channels

Our Trust and Safety module allows hiding not only bad words, but also emails and phone numbers passed in messages, for example. This can be valuable to retain users and prevent them from switching to other means of communication. Check this guide.

Chat admins

Chat admins

You might need to assign chat admins to moderate group chats (add/remove participants to the group chat, for example, if you need to connect selling party, buyer and real estate agent for a discussion and then remove some of them to continue communication with one particular party further).

It is possible to assign group chat admins who will be able to manage and moderate group chats.

Check these guides:



Exchanging sensitive information

Exchanging sensitive information

You might need to exchange sensitive information like credit card details required for a deal with customer or some other sensitive information with colleagues. Message self-destroy feature allows keeping sensitive information secure and removing messages after those are read.

Check these guides:



Pinning important messages

Pinning important messages to easily find them

While discussing some deals real estate agents or customers might need to save some information to find it later easily. This feature allows pinning messages with important information to the top of the chat and find them later with ease.

Check these guides:



Sharing images

Sharing images of real estate objects

Your agents might need to share images of real estate objects with the customers so that the customers could select only the property they like for further view.

Video calls

Video calls to show real estate objects to potential customers in real time

People trust more if they can see what you are talking about live. Your agent can show real estate objects to customers online via video chat. That is easier to organize than a personal meeting and more customer friendly since it saves their time and they do not need to see each object in person.

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